To ensure that Werrd maintains 3a dominance, we have picked up Donald. He is one of the most talented 3a players that we have come into contact with in a very long while. His innovative use of simple concepts is what sets him apart from his fellow competitors. He made his 3a debut in 2012, and has been dominating the scene ever since. Placing second at Nationals, Donald has proven himself to be a serious competitor, and with his talent and dedication he will be world champion very soon. It’s amazing to be able to call Donald one of us, and we’re more than honored that Donald is a part of our Wrecking Crew.
Name: Donald Hodgkinson
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
How many years have you been yoyoing? 7 years
Main style of play: 3a
Favorite yo-yo(s): Hour, Tre, Irony
Favorite food(s):
Favorite yo-yoer(s): Eric Koloski, Michael Kurti, Patrick Borgerding, Daniel Dietz, Michael Ferdico, Eric Tranton
Favorite music/band(s): Parov Stelar, Wax Tailor
Favorite movie: Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo
Boxers or Briefs (if applicable)? Boxers