Werrd Banger Trick Contest

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It’s that time again. Last year we asked you to show us your best tricks.  It’s time to show us your C4 again!

By now you probably know all about this contest, but just in case you didn’t hear about it last year (shame on you, shame, shame) here’s how it works:
The theme for this contest is simple:

Film your best banger trick (stand-alone trick – not a combo) and send us a link to the vid (See terms below).

There will be FOUR lucky winners chosen as the favorite by Werrd. One for best “amplitude” (see definition below), one for the most creative banger as voted by us…and one lucky random winner. Yep, we’re doing that again. Just by entering you could win. The lucky random winner will be in the running for a Werrd MINUTE. If you win best banger trick in the Amplitude category you will win a brand new 2K13 Werrd Irony JP. In addition, we will be giving away a brand new 2K13 HOUR for the video with the most views (cut-off as of voting day).

To be eligible to win:

  • Your video must not exceed 30 seconds in length (it’s a banger, remember, not a combo – so your vid should be fairly short.).
  • Your video must be hosted on a publicly accessibly streaming site (like youtube or vimeo).
  • You must email a link to your video to andrew [at] werrd.com
  • You may enter as many times as you like, however you can only win one category (except the “Most Views” category).
  • Winners of the Amplitude and Most Creative Banger categories are not eligible for the Lucky Draw prize.
  • Judging will be done by Werrd crew and all decisions are final.

The deadline for entry is midnight Septeber 20 EST.

Prizes are:

The prize for Amplitude is an Irony JP – color choice is at our discretion.

The price for the Most Creative Prize for lucky random winner is a Werrd HOUR – color at our discretion.

<Japanese Translation Follows>


前回私達Werrdは世界中のプレイヤーに最高のトリックを求め, そして思いもよらない最高のトリックを見せて頂きました。 そして再び、最高のトリックを求める時が来ました。


ルールは簡単です。 この”一発技コンテスト”のルールは、あなたの、あなたにしかできない技や、あるいはこんな新しいワザを考えた等、自分の思う最高のトリックを世界中のプレイヤーに見せて頂くコンテストです。 (コンボトリックではなく一発技限定です。) これは自分の顔と名前を知ってもらえる絶好の機会でもあります。 そしてこの一発技コンテストの勝者にはwerrdから豪華商品が贈呈されます。 ・感動、衝撃を与えたプレイヤーには新型2K13アイロニーJP ・creative(創造性 創造的)な技に選ばれたプレイヤーにはタイムシリーズ86400 ・1番再生回数の多かった選手にはタイムシリーズ HOUR ・そして上記に関係なく抽選でランダムに選ばれたプレイヤーにはタイムシリーズ 新型MINUTEを贈呈します。

1.一発技のビデオを作ってください。 (コンボではなくひとつの技でお願いします。)
2.ビデオは30秒以内に収め、ビデオのリンクを andrew@werrd.com まで送ってください。 複数のご応募も可能です。

3. ビデオの初めにwerrdイントロ (http://www.werrd.com/logos/video/Werrd_Sketch_Standard.mov)を使ってください。




Q. Do I have to use a Werrd yo-yo?

A. If you have one, please do. If not please enter. If you win, you’ll soon have one of the best playing yo-yos around.

Q.  What is a “banger” trick?

A. It’s a stand-alone trick that makes people’s jaw drop. It is not a combo.

Q. Can I enter more than once?

A. You sure can!

Q. Why are manhole covers round?

A. Haven’t you worked that out yet???


What is Amplitude?

Amplitude (Variation in magnitude of moves, movement, stage use): Are the trick elements performed with amplitude that increases the difficulty and risk of the elements? Are the trick elements performed with speed that increases the difficulty and risk of the elements? Are the trick elements performed while the player is moving so to increase the difficulty and risk of the trick elements? Are the trick elements performed with changes in planes from vertical to tilted planes that increase the difficulty and risk of the trick elements?