We met Teruya Izumi for the first time at Japan Nationals in 2013 and our first thoughts were, “Man, this guy can throw.” Teruya has joined our Japan crew and is fitting in great. We have big hopes for Teruya and can’t wait to see what he can do.
Keep an eye out for some awesome videos to come from this guy.
Name:Teruya Izumi
Hometown: Nara
Years Yoyoing? 3 years
Main style of play: 1A
Favorite yo-yo(s): Fruiture
Favorite food(s): Sushi
Favorite yo-yoer(s): Ky Zizan
Favorite music/band(s): Kyary Pamyu Pamyu
Favorite movie: Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo, Alvin and the Chipmunks